Art by Numbers 2021, seen only through lenses 015 Gallery Editorial Team
They observed art through their lenses but did not document it by numbers. Let's talk positively a lot; perhaps we can observe art together through the eyes of its lovers.
A description of the state of art in our kingdom: we see it in the most beautiful images without the presence of numbers.
And we do not know why the numbers are absent from us: attendance, participants, revenues, profits, and losses.
If we do not know the numbers, we will not be able to judge well the reality of the art we live in.
The presence of the Ministry of Culture in the kingdom enhances transparency in combating the black market and strengthens the presence of true art, but the absence of numbers and the announcement of them creates a crisis of difficulty in vision and its absence.
The numbers will really be in the millions, even hundreds of millions, that are traded in the acquisition of arts in the kingdom. From inside and outside the kingdom, art is acquired without any documentation.
The artist participates locally, in the Gulf, and globally without mentioning it in his artistic biography because there is no reference for him and no one documents these participations for him.
Numbers are lost here and there, Saudi global achievements by Saudi craftsmen and artists all vanish due to a lack of documentation. Let our experience in 2022 be better; let us document art for ourselves, for our history, and our culture.